Saturday, March 5, 2011

1 Year Old

I took Sloane to get pictures taken in her birthday outfit. Here are some of our favorites!

Sloane is turning into a toddler as the days go by. She has developed an attitude and likes to show her independence. On the other hand, she has become more shy around strangers and will cling to those familiar around her. She still likes hugs and her beloved Pooh bear; she sucks on the tag of it as she is getting to sleep. Sloane no longer uses a pacifier. When she had RSV her nose was so stopped up she couldn't breath and suck on it. Then it was almost two weeks without it, so we didn't go back to it. She can stand on her own, but needs to get a little braver so she can walk on her own. In the meantime, she pushes around a cart walking laps around our house. She only needs us to help her steer, because she gets quite upset when the cart gets stuck. She says "ma ma", "da da", "nana" and "dog" plus talks alot of jibberish and mimics us. Her top teeth finally came in, so now she has 5 total with another one about to surface.

We went to the doctor for her 1 year check-up last week and found out her ear infection is cleared and her development is on track. Sloane weighed only 18 pounds, because she had lost weight when she got sick and has become more active. This put her in the 8%, but Dr. Dudley wasn't worried. She is 30 1/4 inches long which is the 85%. Her head circumference was 44.6 centimeters, 45%. We go back in early June for a 15 month check-up. Sloane has already moved away from formula to whole milk and stopped using bottles. Now our goal is to get her to initiate drinking from her sippy cups by herself, since at this time we mostly have to bring it to her for a drink.

Here is what Miss Sloane can do now:
bang objects together
*play give and take
*give kisses
*point with a finger
*say two words other than "ma ma" and "da da"
*put objects into a container

1 comment:

  1. She is too cute! I haven't looked at your blog in a while, so she's really grown up since the last time I saw her pictures. I enjoy the rest of your blog as well, especially the recipes!
